Monster Pedestal Box
Boosted CreatureBoosted Boss
Contentbox headline
Auction Details
Mae Raro
Level: 625 | Vocation: Elder Druid | Male | World: Refugia
1 k
Auction Start:
Feb 02 2025, 10:05 CET
Auction End:
Feb 04 2025, 18:00 CET
Winning Bid:
110 Magic Level (Loyalty bonus not included)
Charm Points: 3859 (Unused: 39), Minor Charm Echoes: 650 (Unused: 50)
Store Outfits: 1

Hit Points:
Axe Fighting20
12.68 %
Club Fighting15
42.53 %
Distance Fighting22
10.27 %
78.57 %
Fist Fighting16
30.22 %
Magic Level110
80.73 %
56.23 %
Sword Fighting19
67.62 %
Creation Date:
Jul 24 2012, 01:56:13 CEST
Achievement Points:
Regular World Transfer:
can be purchased and used after Jul 02 2025, 11:02:52 CEST
Charm Expansion:
Available Charm Points:
Spent Charm Points:
Available Minor Charm Echoes:
Spent Minor Charm Echoes:
Daily Reward Streak:
Hunting Task Points:
Permanent Hunting Task Slots:
Permanent Prey Slots:
Prey Wildcards:
Hireling Jobs:
Hireling Outfits:
Exalted Dust:
Animus Masteries unlocked:
Boss Points:
Bonus Promotion Points:
Item Summary
» Pages: 1 2
» Results: 93
1 k
Store Item Summary
» Pages: 1
» Results: 6
» Pages: 1
» Results: 11
Store Mounts
No mounts.
» Pages: 1 2
» Results: 34
Store Outfits
» Pages: 1
» Results: 1
» Pages: 1
» Results: 1
AmountBlessing Name
0 xAdventurer's Blessing
1 xBlood of the Mountain
1 xEmbrace of Tibia
1 xFire of the Suns
1 xHeart of the Mountain
1 xSpark of the Phoenix
1 xSpiritual Shielding
1 xTwist of Fate
1 xWisdom of Solitude
Imbuement Name
Powerful Cloud Fabric
Powerful Dragon Hide
Powerful Electrify
Powerful Epiphany
Powerful Featherweight
Powerful Lich Shroud
Powerful Reap
Powerful Scorch
Powerful Strike
Powerful Swiftness
Powerful Vampirism
Powerful Vibrancy
Powerful Void
(3 more entries)
CostsTypeCharm NameGrade
600 Charm PointsMajorDivine Wrath1
800 Charm PointsMajorFreeze2
1,500 Charm PointsMajorOverflux2
600 Charm PointsMajorPoison2
320 Charm PointsMajorZap1
100 Minor Charm EchoesMinorVampiric Embrace1
250 Minor Charm EchoesMinorVoid Inversion2
250 Minor Charm EchoesMinorVoid's Call2
Completed Cyclopedia Map Areas
No areas explored.
Completed Quest Lines
Quest Line Name
20 Years a Cook
25 Years of Tibia
An Uneasy Alliance
Children of the Revolution
Feaster of Souls
Ferumbras' Ascendant
Heart of Destruction
Hot Cuisine
In Service Of Yalahar
Kissing a Pig
Primal Ordeal
Sea of Light
Soul War
The Ancient Tombs
The Ape City
The Beginning
The Desert Dungeon
The Djinn War - Efreet Faction
The Dream Courts
The Gravedigger of Drefia
The Ice Islands
The Inquisition
The Isle Of Evil
The New Frontier
The Pits of Inferno
The Postman Missions
The Queen of the Banshees
The Rookie Guard
The Shattered Isles
The Thieves Guild
Unnatural Selection
What a foolish Quest
Wrath of the Emperor
(23 more entries)
The list of character titles was updated on Feb 01 2025, 18:36:09 CET
Please note that some character titles might require certain preconditions. If they are not met anymore, the character will lose the title.
Character Title
Beastrider (Grade 1)
Creature of Habit (Grade 1)
Creature of Habit (Grade 2)
Creature of Habit (Grade 3)
Creature of Habit (Grade 4)
Hero of Bounac
Tibia's Topmodel (Grade 1)
Tibia's Topmodel (Grade 2)
Tibia's Topmodel (Grade 3)
Time Traveller
(9 more entries)
Achievement Name
A Study in Scarlett Tibia Secret Achievement
Afraid of no Ghost!
Allow Cookies?
Allowance Collector Tibia Secret Achievement
Amateur Actor
Bad Timing Tibia Secret Achievement
Battle Mage
Beach Tamer
Beak Doctor
Beaver Away
Becoming a Bigfoot
Bibby's Bloodbath Tibia Secret Achievement
Blood-Red Snapper
Bone Brother
Buried the Baron
Cake Conqueror Tibia Secret Achievement
Call Me Sparky
Champion of Chazorai
Champion of Winter Tibia Secret Achievement
Chequered Teddy
Chest Robber
Commitment Phobic Tibia Secret Achievement
Cookie Monster Tibia Secret Achievement
Corruption Contained
Crawling Death
Crystal Keeper
Crystals in Love
Culinary Master
Dark Voodoo Priest Tibia Secret Achievement
Death from Below Tibia Secret Achievement
Death in the Depths
Death on Strike Tibia Secret Achievement
Demonic Barkeeper
Depth Dwellers
Desert Fisher
Diplomatic Immunity Tibia Secret Achievement
Do Not Disturb Tibia Secret Achievement
Dog Sitter
Down the Drain
Drama in Darama
Dream Catcher
Duked It Out
Dungeon Cleaner Tibia Secret Achievement
Efreet Ally
Elite Hunter
Ender of the End
Exemplary Citizen
Exquisite Taste Tibia Secret Achievement
Final Strike Tibia Secret Achievement
Fire Lighter Tibia Secret Achievement
Fire from the Earth
Fireworks in the Sky Tibia Secret Achievement
First Achievement Tibia Secret Achievement
Fool at Heart
Fountain of Life Tibia Secret Achievement
Free Items! Tibia Secret Achievement
Friend of the Apes
Gear Up
Ghost Sailor Tibia Secret Achievement
Gnome Friend
Gnome Little Helper
Gnomebane's Bane Tibia Secret Achievement
Gnomish Art of War
Grinding Again
Gryphon Rider
Guinea Pig
Happy Farmer Tibia Secret Achievement
Hat Hunter
Here, Fishy Fishy! Tibia Secret Achievement
Hidden Powers
High Inquisitor
High-Flyer Tibia Secret Achievement
His Days are Counted
Hissing Downfall
Hive Blinder
Homebrewed Tibia Secret Achievement
Honorary Barbarian
Honorary Gnome
Hunting Permit
I Did My Part Tibia Secret Achievement
I Like it Fancy Tibia Secret Achievement
I Need a Hug
In Shining Armor
Inquisition's Hand
Interior Decorator Tibia Secret Achievement
Jamjam Tibia Secret Achievement
Joke's on You Tibia Secret Achievement
Just Cracked Me Up!
Just in Time
Keeper of the 7 Keys
Keeper of the Flame Tibia Secret Achievement
King Tibianus Fan
Let the Sunshine In Tibia Secret Achievement
Little Adventure
Little Ball of Wool
Lord of the Elements
Lost Palace Raider Tibia Secret Achievement
Loyal Subject Tibia Secret Achievement
Lucid Dreamer
Luminous Kitty
Mainstreet Nightmare
Make a Wish Tibia Secret Achievement
Masquerader Tibia Secret Achievement
Master Shapeshifter Tibia Secret Achievement
Master Thief
Master of War
Master of the Nexus
Merry Adventures
Millennial Falcon Tibia Secret Achievement
Minor Disturbance
Minstrel Tibia Secret Achievement
Mister Sandman Tibia Secret Achievement
Modest Guest Tibia Secret Achievement
Natural Born Cowboy Tibia Secret Achievement
Natural Sweetener Tibia Secret Achievement
Navigational Error Tibia Secret Achievement
No More Hiding
Nomad Soul Tibia Secret Achievement
Nothing Can Stop Me Tibia Secret Achievement
Nothing but Hot Air
Number of the Beast
One Foot Vs. Many
One Less
Oops Tibia Secret Achievement
Out in the Snowstorm
Party Animal Tibia Secret Achievement
Passionate Kisser
Perfect Fool
Piece of Cake
Poet Laureate Tibia Secret Achievement
Potion Addict Tibia Secret Achievement
Preservationist Tibia Secret Achievement
Prison Break
Prospectre Tibia Secret Achievement
Quick as a Turtle Tibia Secret Achievement
Rathleton Commoner
Recognised Trader
Rock Me to Sleep Tibia Secret Achievement
Rocket in Pocket Tibia Secret Achievement
Rockstar Tibia Secret Achievement
Rootless Behaviour
Safely Stored Away Tibia Secret Achievement
Santa's Li'l Helper Tibia Secret Achievement
Scorched Flames
Scourge of Scarabs
Sea Scout
Seasoned Adventurer
Secret Agent
Ship's Kobold Tibia Secret Achievement
Si, Ariki!
Silent Pet Tibia Secret Achievement
Skilled Hunter
Skull and Bones
Slayer of Chikhaton Tibia Secret Achievement
Slayer of Phrodomo Tibia Secret Achievement
Snowbunny Tibia Secret Achievement
Someone's Bored Tibia Secret Achievement
Something's in There Tibia Secret Achievement
Spectral Traveller Tibia Secret Achievement
Spectulation Tibia Secret Achievement
Spore Hunter
Steampunked Tibia Secret Achievement
Substitute Tinker
Sun and Sea
Superstitious Tibia Secret Achievement
Swamp Beast
Sweet Tooth Tibia Secret Achievement
Talented Dancer
Teamplayer Tibia Secret Achievement
Territorial Tibia Secret Achievement
The Cake's the Truth Tibia Secret Achievement
The Picky Pig
The Serpent's Bride
Tied the Knot Tibia Secret Achievement
Top TBI Agent
Trail of the Ape God Tibia Secret Achievement
True Colours Tibia Secret Achievement
True Lightbearer Tibia Secret Achievement
Truth Be Told Tibia Secret Achievement
Turncoat Tibia Secret Achievement
Vanity Tibia Secret Achievement
Vive la Resistance
Warlord of Svargrond
Wayfarer Tibia Secret Achievement
Wedding Planner
Whistle-Blower Tibia Secret Achievement
Witches Lil' Helper Tibia Secret Achievement
With a Cherry on Top Tibia Secret Achievement
Worm Whacker Tibia Secret Achievement
Yalahari of Power
Zzztill Zzztanding!
(213 more entries)
Bestiary Progress
18 xAcid BlobMonster Mastery locked
45 xAcolyte Of DarknessMonster Mastery locked
13 xAcolyte Of The CultMonster Mastery locked
426,613 xAdult GoannaMonster Mastery locked
15 xAdventurerMonster Mastery locked
193 xAfflicted StriderMonster Mastery locked
12 xAgrestic ChickenMonster Mastery locked
4659 xAmazonMonster Mastery locked
123 xAncient ScarabMonster Mastery locked
43,036 xAnimated FeatherMonster Mastery locked
13 xAnimated SnowmanMonster Mastery locked
413,831 xArachnophobicaMonster Mastery locked
125 xArmadileMonster Mastery locked
4579 xAssassinMonster Mastery locked
2186 xAzure FrogMonster Mastery locked
3199 xBadgerMonster Mastery locked
15 xBaleful BunnyMonster Mastery locked
2137 xBanditMonster Mastery locked
45 xBane Of LightMonster Mastery locked
145 xBansheeMonster Mastery locked
264 xBarbarian BloodwalkerMonster Mastery locked
2130 xBarbarian BrutetamerMonster Mastery locked
4509 xBarbarian HeadsplitterMonster Mastery locked
4543 xBarbarian SkullhunterMonster Mastery locked
2383 xBarkless DevoteeMonster Mastery locked
2108 xBarkless FanaticMonster Mastery locked
42,727 xBashmuMonster Mastery locked
4799 xBatMonster Mastery locked
4511 xBearMonster Mastery locked
2231 xBehemothMonster Mastery locked
3918 xBetrayed WraithMonster Mastery locked
11 xBiting BookMonster Mastery locked
42,688 xBlack Sphinx AcolyteMonster Mastery locked
2187 xBlemished SpawnMonster Mastery locked
32,127 xBlightwalkerMonster Mastery locked
2247 xBlood BeastMonster Mastery locked
272 xBlood CrabMonster Mastery locked
11 xBlood HandMonster Mastery locked
118 xBlood PriestMonster Mastery locked
13 xBlue DjinnMonster Mastery locked
3261 xBoarMonster Mastery locked
14 xBog RaiderMonster Mastery locked
2177 xBonebeastMonster Mastery locked
18 xBonelordMonster Mastery locked
155 xBony Sea DevilMonster Mastery locked
111 xBoogyMonster Mastery locked
1111 xBrachiodemonMonster Mastery locked
1128 xBranchy CrawlerMonster Mastery locked
42,589 xBreach BroodMonster Mastery locked
410 xBride Of NightMonster Mastery locked
11 xBrimstone BugMonster Mastery locked
114 xBroken ShaperMonster Mastery locked
2120 xBroodrider InferniarchMonster Mastery locked
4400 xBugMonster Mastery locked
159 xBulltaur AlchemistMonster Mastery locked
184 xBulltaur BruteMonster Mastery locked
131 xBulltaur ForgepriestMonster Mastery locked
2561 xBurning BookMonster Mastery locked
46,248 xBurning GladiatorMonster Mastery locked
412,499 xBurster SpectreMonster Mastery locked
434 xButterflyMonster Mastery locked
449 xButterflyMonster Mastery locked
316 xButterflyMonster Mastery locked
18 xCalamaryMonster Mastery locked
13 xCapricious PhantomMonster Mastery locked
293 xCarniphilaMonster Mastery locked
225 xCarrion WormMonster Mastery locked
445 xCatMonster Mastery locked
136 xCave ChimeraMonster Mastery locked
2428 xCave DevourerMonster Mastery locked
14 xCave ParrotMonster Mastery locked
4645 xCave RatMonster Mastery locked
4583 xCentipedeMonster Mastery locked
2528 xChasm SpawnMonster Mastery locked
214 xChickenMonster Mastery locked
415,340 xChoking FearMonster Mastery locked
137 xClay GuardianMonster Mastery locked
133 xCliff StriderMonster Mastery locked
111 xCloak Of TerrorMonster Mastery locked
3664 xClompMonster Mastery locked
41,023 xCobraMonster Mastery locked
42,579 xCobra AssassinMonster Mastery locked
31,093 xCobra ScoutMonster Mastery locked
2606 xCobra VizierMonster Mastery locked
2126 xCoral FrogMonster Mastery locked
17 xCorym CharlatanMonster Mastery locked
12 xCorym SkirmisherMonster Mastery locked
12 xCorym VanguardMonster Mastery locked
16 xCourage LeechMonster Mastery locked
2182 xCrabMonster Mastery locked
2138 xCrawlerMonster Mastery locked
110 xCrazed BeggarMonster Mastery locked
42,985 xCrazed Summer RearguardMonster Mastery locked
32,442 xCrazed Summer VanguardMonster Mastery locked
2901 xCrazed Winter RearguardMonster Mastery locked
31,049 xCrazed Winter VanguardMonster Mastery locked
2147 xCrimson FrogMonster Mastery locked
41,202 xCrocodileMonster Mastery locked
230 xCrypt ShamblerMonster Mastery locked
46,898 xCrypt WardenMonster Mastery locked
12 xCrystal SpiderMonster Mastery locked
128 xCrystalcrusherMonster Mastery locked
133 xCursed ApeMonster Mastery locked
2204 xCursed ProspectorMonster Mastery locked
4600 xCyclopsMonster Mastery locked
2233 xCyclops DroneMonster Mastery locked
277 xCyclops SmithMonster Mastery locked
2233 xDark ApprenticeMonster Mastery locked
110 xDark CarnisylvanMonster Mastery locked
119 xDark FaunMonster Mastery locked
2216 xDark MagicianMonster Mastery locked
4537 xDark MonkMonster Mastery locked
452,635 xDark TorturerMonster Mastery locked
423,124 xDawnfire AsuraMonster Mastery locked
16 xDeath BlobMonster Mastery locked
42,567 xDeathling ScoutMonster Mastery locked
31,311 xDeathling SpellsingerMonster Mastery locked
14 xDeepling EliteMonster Mastery locked
149 xDeepling GuardMonster Mastery locked
16 xDeepling Master LibrarianMonster Mastery locked
2109 xDeepling ScoutMonster Mastery locked
296 xDeepling SpellsingerMonster Mastery locked
15 xDeepling TyrantMonster Mastery locked
2136 xDeepling WarriorMonster Mastery locked
2178 xDeepling WorkerMonster Mastery locked
2423 xDeepwormMonster Mastery locked
3132 xDeerMonster Mastery locked
42,815 xDefilerMonster Mastery locked
412,079 xDemonMonster Mastery locked
435,945 xDemon OutcastMonster Mastery locked
2256 xDemon SkeletonMonster Mastery locked
428,753 xDestroyerMonster Mastery locked
2179 xDevourerMonster Mastery locked
127 xDiamond Servant ReplicaMonster Mastery locked
2730 xDiremawMonster Mastery locked
131 xDistorted PhantomMonster Mastery locked
440 xDogMonster Mastery locked
46 xDoomsday CultistMonster Mastery locked
122 xDragoliskMonster Mastery locked
250 xDragonMonster Mastery locked
111 xDragon HatchlingMonster Mastery locked
115 xDragon LordMonster Mastery locked
2598 xDraken SpellweaverMonster Mastery locked
3831 xDraken WarmasterMonster Mastery locked
42,539 xDread IntruderMonster Mastery locked
2257 xDrillwormMonster Mastery locked
4270 xDromedaryMonster Mastery locked
129 xDruid's ApparitionMonster Mastery locked
47 xDryadMonster Mastery locked
420 xDuskbringerMonster Mastery locked
256 xDwarfMonster Mastery locked
14 xDwarf GeomancerMonster Mastery locked
228 xDwarf GuardMonster Mastery locked
268 xDwarf SoldierMonster Mastery locked
226 xDworc FleshhunterMonster Mastery locked
113 xDworc VenomsniperMonster Mastery locked
256 xEarth ElementalMonster Mastery locked
11 xEfreetMonster Mastery locked
126 xElder BonelordMonster Mastery locked
2124 xElder WyrmMonster Mastery locked
235 xElephantMonster Mastery locked
4581 xElfMonster Mastery locked
4504 xElf ArcanistMonster Mastery locked
4758 xElf ScoutMonster Mastery locked
2506 xEmerald TortoiseMonster Mastery locked
15 xEnergetic BookMonster Mastery locked
42,833 xEternal GuardianMonster Mastery locked
123 xEvil ProspectorMonster Mastery locked
2104 xEyeless DevourerMonster Mastery locked
419,101 xFalcon KnightMonster Mastery locked
412,283 xFalcon PaladinMonster Mastery locked
18 xFaunMonster Mastery locked
419,163 xFeral SphinxMonster Mastery locked
2108 xFeverish CitizenMonster Mastery locked
127 xFeversleepMonster Mastery locked
117 xFire DevilMonster Mastery locked
129 xFire ElementalMonster Mastery locked
210 xFishMonster Mastery locked
4467 xFlamingoMonster Mastery locked
48,031 xFlimsy Lost SoulMonster Mastery locked
2526 xFloating SavantMonster Mastery locked
2145 xFoam StalkerMonster Mastery locked
233 xFoxMonster Mastery locked
447,070 xFrazzlemawMonster Mastery locked
31,375 xFreakish Lost SoulMonster Mastery locked
13 xFrost DragonMonster Mastery locked
12 xFrost Dragon HatchlingMonster Mastery locked
3935 xFrost Flower AsuraMonster Mastery locked
12 xFrost GiantMonster Mastery locked
255 xFrost TrollMonster Mastery locked
2811 xFuryMonster Mastery locked
18 xGang MemberMonster Mastery locked
4542 xGargoyleMonster Mastery locked
47,462 xGazer SpectreMonster Mastery locked
11 xGhastly DragonMonster Mastery locked
2113 xGhostMonster Mastery locked
3284 xGhoulMonster Mastery locked
12 xGhoulish HyaenaMonster Mastery locked
130 xGiant SpiderMonster Mastery locked
44,134 xGirtablilu WarriorMonster Mastery locked
119 xGladiatorMonster Mastery locked
111 xGloom WolfMonster Mastery locked
16 xGlooth AnemoneMonster Mastery locked
2249 xGlooth BlobMonster Mastery locked
15 xGlooth GolemMonster Mastery locked
119 xGnarlhoundMonster Mastery locked
241 xGoblinMonster Mastery locked
123 xGolden Servant ReplicaMonster Mastery locked
2511 xGore HornMonster Mastery locked
2526 xGorerillaMonster Mastery locked
2119 xGorger InferniarchMonster Mastery locked
279 xGozzlerMonster Mastery locked
281 xGreen FrogMonster Mastery locked
430,377 xGrim ReaperMonster Mastery locked
449,310 xGrimeleechMonster Mastery locked
15 xGryphonMonster Mastery locked
2121 xGuardian Of TalesMonster Mastery locked
440,819 xGuzzlemawMonster Mastery locked
2144 xHand Of Cursed FateMonster Mastery locked
3527 xHaunted TreelingMonster Mastery locked
115 xHeadpeckerMonster Mastery locked
2874 xHellfire FighterMonster Mastery locked
422,765 xHellflayerMonster Mastery locked
47,094 xHellhoundMonster Mastery locked
451,474 xHellspawnMonster Mastery locked
47 xHerald Of GloomMonster Mastery locked
2129 xHeroMonster Mastery locked
295 xHibernal MothMonster Mastery locked
2238 xHideous FungusMonster Mastery locked
124 xHigh Voltage ElementalMonster Mastery locked
2192 xHive OverseerMonster Mastery locked
123 xHonour GuardMonster Mastery locked
12 xHorseMonster Mastery locked
16 xHorseMonster Mastery locked
110 xHulking CarnisylvanMonster Mastery locked
2518 xHulking PrehemothMonster Mastery locked
2256 xHumongous FungusMonster Mastery locked
2237 xHunterMonster Mastery locked
29 xHuskyMonster Mastery locked
41,282 xHyaenaMonster Mastery locked
42,502 xHydraMonster Mastery locked
17 xIce GolemMonster Mastery locked
11 xIce WitchMonster Mastery locked
43,816 xIcecold BookMonster Mastery locked
17 xIks AucarMonster Mastery locked
13 xIks ChukaMonster Mastery locked
11 xIks PututuMonster Mastery locked
49,187 xIks YapunacMonster Mastery locked
115 xInfected WeeperMonster Mastery locked
114 xInfernal DemonMonster Mastery locked
121 xInfernal PhantomMonster Mastery locked
149 xInk BlobMonster Mastery locked
31,145 xInsane SirenMonster Mastery locked
230 xInsect SwarmMonster Mastery locked
2116 xInsectoid WorkerMonster Mastery locked
124 xInstable Breach BroodMonster Mastery locked
115 xInstable SparkionMonster Mastery locked
265 xIron Servant ReplicaMonster Mastery locked
135 xIronblightMonster Mastery locked
229 xIsland TrollMonster Mastery locked
111 xJellyfishMonster Mastery locked
43,850 xJuggernautMonster Mastery locked
260 xJungle MoaMonster Mastery locked
44,004 xJuvenile BashmuMonster Mastery locked
116 xKiller CaimanMonster Mastery locked
125 xKnight's ApparitionMonster Mastery locked
12 xKnowledge ElementalMonster Mastery locked
2215 xKollosMonster Mastery locked
3319 xKongraMonster Mastery locked
268 xLacewing MothMonster Mastery locked
18 xLadybugMonster Mastery locked
31,670 xLamassuMonster Mastery locked
225 xLarvaMonster Mastery locked
154 xLava GolemMonster Mastery locked
151 xLava LurkerMonster Mastery locked
146 xLavafungusMonster Mastery locked
186 xLavawormMonster Mastery locked
123 xLeaf GolemMonster Mastery locked
137 xLichMonster Mastery locked
41,011 xLionMonster Mastery locked
2141 xLizard ChosenMonster Mastery locked
2122 xLizard Dragon PriestMonster Mastery locked
3710 xLizard High GuardMonster Mastery locked
2292 xLizard LegionnaireMonster Mastery locked
11 xLizard NobleMonster Mastery locked
121 xLizard SentinelMonster Mastery locked
11 xLizard SnakecharmerMonster Mastery locked
114 xLizard TemplarMonster Mastery locked
282 xLizard ZaogunMonster Mastery locked
16 xLost BasherMonster Mastery locked
169 xLost BerserkerMonster Mastery locked
2120 xLost ExileMonster Mastery locked
13 xLost HusherMonster Mastery locked
3717 xLost SoulMonster Mastery locked
13 xLost ThrowerMonster Mastery locked
41,334 xLumbering CarnivorMonster Mastery locked
111 xMad ScientistMonster Mastery locked
153 xMagma CrawlerMonster Mastery locked
2757 xMakaraMonster Mastery locked
2146 xMammothMonster Mastery locked
413,108 xManticoreMonster Mastery locked
120 xMantosaurusMonster Mastery locked
143 xMany FacesMonster Mastery locked
13 xMarsh StalkerMonster Mastery locked
17 xMassive Earth ElementalMonster Mastery locked
12 xMassive Energy ElementalMonster Mastery locked
12 xMassive Fire ElementalMonster Mastery locked
13 xMassive Water ElementalMonster Mastery locked
44,458 xMean Lost SoulMonster Mastery locked
43,674 xMedusaMonster Mastery locked
117 xMega DragonMonster Mastery locked
31,377 xMenacing CarnivorMonster Mastery locked
111 xMercurial MenaceMonster Mastery locked
14 xMercury BlobMonster Mastery locked
2173 xMerlkinMonster Mastery locked
116 xMetal GargoyleMonster Mastery locked
423,385 xMidnight AsuraMonster Mastery locked
00 xMidnight PantherMonster Mastery locked
429 xMidnight SpawnMonster Mastery locked
45 xMidnight WarriorMonster Mastery locked
4543 xMinotaurMonster Mastery locked
4554 xMinotaur ArcherMonster Mastery locked
2120 xMinotaur Cult FollowerMonster Mastery locked
255 xMinotaur Cult ProphetMonster Mastery locked
139 xMinotaur Cult ZealotMonster Mastery locked
4837 xMinotaur GuardMonster Mastery locked
16 xMinotaur HunterMonster Mastery locked
4529 xMinotaur MageMonster Mastery locked
18 xMisguided BullyMonster Mastery locked
17 xMisguided ThiefMonster Mastery locked
44,638 xMitmah ScoutMonster Mastery locked
31,545 xMitmah SeerMonster Mastery locked
15 xMoleMonster Mastery locked
2226 xMonkMonster Mastery locked
110 xMooh'tah WarriorMonster Mastery locked
165 xMould PhantomMonster Mastery locked
295 xMummyMonster Mastery locked
11 xMushroom SnifferMonster Mastery locked
17 xMutated BatMonster Mastery locked
116 xMutated HumanMonster Mastery locked
110 xMutated RatMonster Mastery locked
124 xMutated TigerMonster Mastery locked
2499 xNaga ArcherMonster Mastery locked
2970 xNaga WarriorMonster Mastery locked
149 xNecromancerMonster Mastery locked
118 xNighthunterMonster Mastery locked
41,151 xNightmareMonster Mastery locked
125 xNightmare ScionMonster Mastery locked
45 xNightslayerMonster Mastery locked
14 xNoble LionMonster Mastery locked
4567 xNomadMonster Mastery locked
11 xNorthern PikeMonster Mastery locked
12 xNovice Of The CultMonster Mastery locked
117 xNoxious RipptorMonster Mastery locked
114 xNymphMonster Mastery locked
17 xOgre BruteMonster Mastery locked
31,193 xOgre RowdyMonster Mastery locked
2581 xOgre RuffianMonster Mastery locked
2685 xOgre SageMonster Mastery locked
15 xOgre SavageMonster Mastery locked
110 xOgre ShamanMonster Mastery locked
123 xOmnivoraMonster Mastery locked
225 xOrcMonster Mastery locked
132 xOrc BerserkerMonster Mastery locked
13 xOrc LeaderMonster Mastery locked
16 xOrc ShamanMonster Mastery locked
256 xOrc SpearmanMonster Mastery locked
16 xOrc WarlordMonster Mastery locked
275 xOrc WarriorMonster Mastery locked
2113 xOrchid FrogMonster Mastery locked
15 xOrclops DoomhaulerMonster Mastery locked
12 xOrclops RavagerMonster Mastery locked
139 xOrewalkerMonster Mastery locked
127 xPaladin's ApparitionMonster Mastery locked
14 xPandaMonster Mastery locked
273 xParderMonster Mastery locked
18 xParrotMonster Mastery locked
264 xPenguinMonster Mastery locked
266 xPerchtMonster Mastery locked
152 xPhantasmMonster Mastery locked
11 xPigMonster Mastery locked
27 xPigeonMonster Mastery locked
16 xPirat BombardierMonster Mastery locked
17 xPirat CutthroatMonster Mastery locked
16 xPirat MateMonster Mastery locked
18 xPirat ScoundrelMonster Mastery locked
256 xPirate BuccaneerMonster Mastery locked
18 xPirate CorsairMonster Mastery locked
2108 xPirate CutthroatMonster Mastery locked
2136 xPirate MarauderMonster Mastery locked
19 xPixieMonster Mastery locked
442,933 xPlaguesmithMonster Mastery locked
122 xPoacherMonster Mastery locked
4547 xPoison SpiderMonster Mastery locked
292 xPolar BearMonster Mastery locked
14 xPookaMonster Mastery locked
116 xPriestessMonster Mastery locked
45,006 xPriestess Of The Wild SunMonster Mastery locked
2103 xQuara Constrictor ScoutMonster Mastery locked
16 xQuara HydromancerMonster Mastery locked
2145 xQuara Hydromancer ScoutMonster Mastery locked
13 xQuara PincherMonster Mastery locked
2151 xQuara Pincher ScoutMonster Mastery locked
2141 xQuara Predator ScoutMonster Mastery locked
228 xRabbitMonster Mastery locked
2628 xRage SquidMonster Mastery locked
4337 xRatMonster Mastery locked
137 xRavenous Lava LurkerMonster Mastery locked
42,774 xReality ReaverMonster Mastery locked
280 xRenegade KnightMonster Mastery locked
413,948 xRetching HorrorMonster Mastery locked
43,871 xRipper SpectreMonster Mastery locked
18 xRoaring LionMonster Mastery locked
11 xRorcMonster Mastery locked
2250 xRot ElementalMonster Mastery locked
1105 xRotten GolemMonster Mastery locked
2141 xRotwormMonster Mastery locked
18 xRustheap GolemMonster Mastery locked
2526 xSabretoothMonster Mastery locked
4297 xSandcrawlerMonster Mastery locked
13 xScarabMonster Mastery locked
253 xSchiachMonster Mastery locked
41,044 xScorpionMonster Mastery locked
258 xSeagullMonster Mastery locked
43,160 xSerpent SpawnMonster Mastery locked
46 xShadow HoundMonster Mastery locked
11 xShadow PupilMonster Mastery locked
15 xShaper MatriarchMonster Mastery locked
15 xSharkMonster Mastery locked
2590 xShock HeadMonster Mastery locked
17 xShrieking Cry-stalMonster Mastery locked
3307 xSibangMonster Mastery locked
12 xSight Of SurrenderMonster Mastery locked
439,562 xSilencerMonster Mastery locked
216 xSilver RabbitMonster Mastery locked
2101 xSineater InferniarchMonster Mastery locked
2234 xSkeletonMonster Mastery locked
47,031 xSkeleton Elite WarriorMonster Mastery locked
116 xSkeleton WarriorMonster Mastery locked
212 xSkunkMonster Mastery locked
2151 xSlimeMonster Mastery locked
299 xSmugglerMonster Mastery locked
4307 xSnakeMonster Mastery locked
172 xSon Of VerminorMonster Mastery locked
134 xSorcerer's ApparitionMonster Mastery locked
2432 xSoul-broken HarbingerMonster Mastery locked
42,718 xSouleaterMonster Mastery locked
42,748 xSparkionMonster Mastery locked
2163 xSpectreMonster Mastery locked
49,784 xSphinxMonster Mastery locked
3123 xSpiderMonster Mastery locked
2356 xSpidrisMonster Mastery locked
2167 xSpidris EliteMonster Mastery locked
31,242 xSpiky CarnivorMonster Mastery locked
18 xSpit NettleMonster Mastery locked
2400 xSpitterMonster Mastery locked
43,253 xSquid WardenMonster Mastery locked
3199 xSquirrelMonster Mastery locked
2292 xStabilizing Dread IntruderMonster Mastery locked
2277 xStabilizing Reality ReaverMonster Mastery locked
244 xStalkerMonster Mastery locked
111 xStalking StalkMonster Mastery locked
15 xStarving WolfMonster Mastery locked
116 xStone DevourerMonster Mastery locked
2217 xStone GolemMonster Mastery locked
116 xStonerefinerMonster Mastery locked
185 xStreaked DevourerMonster Mastery locked
134 xSulphiderMonster Mastery locked
113 xSulphur SpouterMonster Mastery locked
4598 xSwamp TrollMonster Mastery locked
17 xSwamplingMonster Mastery locked
15 xSwan MaidenMonster Mastery locked
277 xSwarmerMonster Mastery locked
246 xTainted SoulMonster Mastery locked
4538 xTarantulaMonster Mastery locked
18 xTarnished SpiritMonster Mastery locked
110 xTerramiteMonster Mastery locked
16 xTerror BirdMonster Mastery locked
161 xTerrorsleepMonster Mastery locked
2803 xThanatursusMonster Mastery locked
2181 xThornback TortoiseMonster Mastery locked
229 xTigerMonster Mastery locked
4578 xToadMonster Mastery locked
13 xTomb ServantMonster Mastery locked
4863 xTortoiseMonster Mastery locked
146 xTremendous TyrantMonster Mastery locked
231 xTrollMonster Mastery locked
11 xTroll ChampionMonster Mastery locked
48,769 xTrue Dawnfire AsuraMonster Mastery locked
32,085 xTrue Frost Flower AsuraMonster Mastery locked
410,185 xTrue Midnight AsuraMonster Mastery locked
2648 xTunnel TyrantMonster Mastery locked
113 xTwisted PookaMonster Mastery locked
110 xTwisted ShaperMonster Mastery locked
2270 xTwo-headed TurtleMonster Mastery locked
2123 xUndead DragonMonster Mastery locked
44,970 xUndead Elite GladiatorMonster Mastery locked
276 xUndead GladiatorMonster Mastery locked
48 xUndead JesterMonster Mastery locked
122 xUndertakerMonster Mastery locked
2293 xUsurper ArcherMonster Mastery locked
2437 xUsurper KnightMonster Mastery locked
2200 xUsurper WarlockMonster Mastery locked
4571 xValkyrieMonster Mastery locked
263 xVampireMonster Mastery locked
136 xVarnished DiremawMonster Mastery locked
31,795 xVenerable GirtabliluMonster Mastery locked
429,886 xVexclawMonster Mastery locked
15 xVibrant PhantomMonster Mastery locked
2229 xVicious SquireMonster Mastery locked
148 xVile GrandmasterMonster Mastery locked
13 xVulcongraMonster Mastery locked
16 xWailing WidowMonster Mastery locked
114 xWar GolemMonster Mastery locked
2129 xWar WolfMonster Mastery locked
126 xWardragonMonster Mastery locked
11 xWarlockMonster Mastery locked
4385 xWaspMonster Mastery locked
2363 xWaspoidMonster Mastery locked
11 xWater ElementalMonster Mastery locked
157 xWeeperMonster Mastery locked
2143 xWerebadgerMonster Mastery locked
283 xWerebearMonster Mastery locked
2106 xWereboarMonster Mastery locked
2137 xWerefoxMonster Mastery locked
2251 xWerehyaenaMonster Mastery locked
2143 xWerehyaena ShamanMonster Mastery locked
2100 xWerelionMonster Mastery locked
2118 xWerelionessMonster Mastery locked
282 xWerewolfMonster Mastery locked
14 xWhite DeerMonster Mastery locked
157 xWhite LionMonster Mastery locked
12 xWhite ShadeMonster Mastery locked
119 xWigglerMonster Mastery locked
2242 xWild WarriorMonster Mastery locked
15 xWilting Leaf GolemMonster Mastery locked
3194 xWinter WolfMonster Mastery locked
211 xWispMonster Mastery locked
3329 xWitchMonster Mastery locked
4290 xWolfMonster Mastery locked
11 xWorker GolemMonster Mastery locked
16 xWorm PriestessMonster Mastery locked
120 xWyrmMonster Mastery locked
281 xWyvernMonster Mastery locked
429,096 xYoung GoannaMonster Mastery locked
(535 more entries)
Bosstiary Progress
19 xAbyssador
16 xAhau
112 xAnomaly
326 xAscending Ferumbras
112 xBlack Vixen
19 xBloodback
35 xChikhaton
03 xCount Vlarkorth
18 xDarkfang
18 xDeathstrike
114 xDragon Pack
3108 xDrume
15 xDuke Krule
04 xEarl Osam
113 xEradicator
04 xFaceless Bane
04 xGaffir
19 xGnomevil
03 xGoshnar's Hatred
04 xGrand Canon Dominus
04 xGrand Chaplain Gaunder
06 xGrand Commander Soeren
3130 xGrand Master Oberon
06 xGuard Captain Quaid
01 xIrgix The Flimsy
11 xIzcandar Champion Of Winter
015 xJailer
18 xKatex Blood Tongue
02 xKing Zelos
01 xKusuma
04 xLady Tenebris
12 xLizard Gate Guardian
03 xLloyd
03 xLord Azaram
03 xLord Retro
252 xMagma Bubble
19 xOutburst
35 xPhrodomo
11 xPlagueroot
016 xPreceptor Lazare
119 xRavenous Hunger
110 xRealityquake
02 xRupture
376 xScarlett Etzel
111 xShadowpelt
18 xSharpclaw
04 xSir Baeloc
04 xSir Nictros
110 xSrezz Yellow Eyes
01 xThaian
02 xThe Dread Maiden
01 xThe Fear Feaster
19 xThe Flaming Orchid
17 xThe Moonlight Aster
01 xThe Nightmare Beast
01 xThe Pale Worm
12 xThe Percht Queen
02 xThe Unwelcome
17 xThe Winter Bloom
393 xTimira The Many-Headed
222 xUrmahlullu The Weakened
18 xUtua Stone Sting
326 xWorld Devourer
17 xYirkas Blue Scales
01 xZugurosh
(55 more entries)
Revealed Gems
GemMod 1Mod 2Mod 3
+2% Ice Resistance
+2% Earth Resistance
+2% Fire Resistance
+2% Energy Resistance
+2% Energy Resistance
+2% Fire Resistance
+2% Earth Resistance
+2% Ice Resistance
+2% Earth Resistance
+2% Energy Resistance
+2% Fire Resistance
+2% Ice Resistance
Fragment Progress
No fragment progress for supreme mods.
No fragment progress for basic mods.