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5.8 Guilds
Tibia is a game in which personal contacts and relationships between players are extremely important, and those who play it will learn soon enough that unity is strength. For this reason there are so-called "guilds" in Tibia in which players band together.5.8.1 What Are Guilds?
Guilds are coalitions of Tibia characters that are established to bring like-minded players together. They are very popular since they usually offer good protection to its members. Powerful guilds generally have more influence on the events and politics in a world than any single player could possibly have, and few will be foolish enough to mess with a member of a strong guild. However, note that each character can only be a member of one guild at a time. Membership in a guild offers the following benefits:
- Guild Rank
Each member of a guild receives a guild title. This title will be displayed both on the character's account page and on the guild page. Also, players can see a character's guild rank if they look at him. - Guild Chat Channel
The guild channel opens automatically upon login for all guild members. Leaders and vice leaders can also invite non-members to the guild channel or exclude them from the chat via the guild channel's context menu.
Leaders and vice leaders can easily be recognised by the different font colour in the guild chat. - Guild Message
The guild message is shown to all guild members in the guild chat channel upon login. Only leaders and vice leaders can "Edit the Guild Message" via the context menu of the guild channel. - Guild Board
Guild members can read and post on a private guild board. The guild leader and the vices also have the option to close and delete threads, or to mark their own threads as sticky.
Note that threads on guild boards will be closed if nobody has made a post in the last 30 days. Guild boards which have no active threads will be deleted shortly after. It is not possible to restore threads of a deleted guild board. However, the guild leader can always create a new guild board. - Guild Event
Guild leader and vices can announce guild exclusive or public events. - Guild Bank Account
Every guild has an own bank account which can be used to buy a guild house or for guild fees for example. All members can deposit money to the guild bank account but only the guild leader and the vices are able to withdraw money. The latest balance can be seen by all guild members on the guild's section on the website, provided they are logged into their account. - Guild Activity Log
In the guild activity log, each guild member can view important data of the last 30 days such as the date when a character has applied or joined a guild, when a character has been promoted or degraded, or who deposited to or withdrew money from the guild bank account. - Access to Guildhalls
Guildhalls are houses that are specifically designed to be used by guilds. Only a guild leader can rent one and invite guild members or other characters to the guildhall. This way, even free account players can get a home for their characters! Also guild leaders can make areas within the guildhall inaccessible to certain characters by giving door rights only to specific characters.
Further, all guildhalls are equipped with a depot locker. All people invited to the guildhall can access their depot chest, inbox and the Market from this depot locker.
Note: If the guild leader decides to place a bid for a guildhall, the system will check if there is a sufficient amount of money on the guild bank account. If the money on the guild bank account is not sufficient, the bid system will take the money from the guild leader's bank account.
All Tibia guilds have a basic structure. Even though guilds can have a complex hierarchy with up to 20 different individual ranks and countless individual titles, Tibia guilds are always made up of three basic ranks: guild leaders, vice leaders and regular members.
The rank of the guild leader is always the highest rank in a guild and this position must always be held by exactly one character. Characters who found new guilds will automatically be elevated to this rank, so guilds are usually led by their founders.
Furthermore, every guild should have at least 4 vice leaders. These vice leaders form the inner leadership circle of guilds. Characters that wish to found a new guild must recruit at least 4 vice leaders within three days after the guild's foundation. If they fail to convince enough players to join as vice leaders, the guild will be disbanded. Also, if a vice leader leaves an existing guild and there are not enough vice leaders anymore, the guild leader must find a replacement within 2 weeks.
Please note that only Premium players can become guild leaders or vice leaders. Also, keep in mind that there must not be more than one guild leader or vice leader on one account. Thus, for example, it is not possible to have a guild leader on one world and a vice leader on another. Furthermore, if the Premium Time of a guild leader or vice leader runs out, he can still keep his position and perform every action connected to his guild rank. Note, if there are less than 5 Premium players in the rank of the leader or vice leader, the guild will be disbanded after 2 weeks.
Finally, regular members are the rank and file of guilds, i.e. they make up the mass of guild members. A guild can have an infinite number of members, and any characters can join a guild provided they have been invited or accepted by the guild leader or by a vice leader.
Members of guilds can easily be recognised by little banners beneath their character names:
member of your guild
member of another guild
5.8.3 Administrating Guilds
Any administrative action such as founding, editing or joining guilds is done through the guild section of the official website www.tibia.com. Except for "Found Guild", all guild edit functions can be found on the guild's information page. To check out a guild's information page select a guild and click on "View". A special page will open which will show you various data about the guild, including the guild's motto, logo and member list as well as basic information about its members (level, vocation, online/offline). Remember, however, that you must be logged in with your character in order to do any editing on the guild page, or to see certain guild features such as the amount of gold on the guild bank account, applications, or whether a character is autoranked. If you are not logged in, all you can do is to look at guilds. Also, keep in mind that any changes that are made on this page will only be activated on the next login. For example, if a guild member who is currently online, is excluded from the guild he will remain an official member until he logs out. In the following you will find a comprehensive list of all guild edit functions:
- Found Guild
This button is found on a world's guild list. Click on this button to found a new guild. You will be asked to enter the guild's name, the world it is on and the name of the future leader. Also, you must enter your password to confirm the process. Remember that you will not be able to found a guild if you are not a Premium player, or if another character on the account is a guild leader or a vice leader already. Moreover, keep in mind that the name rules also apply to guild names, as do restrictions concerning numbers, special characters, certain words and letter combinations as well as the restriction to a maximum size of 29 letters. Offensive guild names are considered to be violations of the Tibia Rules and can be punished accordingly. Also, since guild names cannot be changed subsequently a guild with an invalid guild name is likely to be disbanded. - Join Guild
This button is available if you view a guild on the website while being logged in with an account that contains one or more invited characters. To join that guild simply click on the button, then select the character you would like to join the guild and click on "Submit". - Apply to this Guild
This button is available if you are logged into your account and the guild is open for new members. By clicking on this button, a new page will open up where you can select which character you would like to join the guild with and write an application. If you applied for a guild but then decide you rather do not want to join, you can simply "withdraw" your application.
Note, if your application to a guild has been rejected, you can not apply to this guild for the next 30 days. - View Applications
This button is visible to all players who do not have any further characters that could apply to this guild, but have applied with at least one character in the last 30 days. - Applications
Here, guild leader and vice leaders can determine whether the guild is open or closed for new members. By clicking on "Deny Applications", no further character can send an application to this guild anymore until it is decided to "Allow Applications" again.
Further, all incoming applications can be read here by all members. However, only the leader and the vice leaders have the option to reject or accept an applicant.
Note that all applications are saved for 30 days. Also an application will vanish, if the applicant has joined another guild in the meantime. - Edit Description
This option is only available to guild leaders. Clicking on this function will open up an edit page in which the guild leader can enter a description of up to 500 characters, a link to a homepage and a guild logo. Again, offensive commentaries, links or guild logos may lead to a punishment. - Create/Delete/Manage Board
This is another option that is only available to guild leaders. By pressing this button, guild leaders can create a private message board on which only guild members can read or post. Like all regular boards the guild board can be selected in the forum section of the website.
Further guild and vice leaders can close or delete threads or make their own threads sticky.
Note that threads will be closed if nobody has made a post in the last 30 days. Guild boards which have no active threads will be deleted shortly after. It is not possible to restore threads of a deleted guild board. However, the guild leader can always create a new guild board. - Disband Guild
A guild leader can always disband his guild if he chooses to do so by clicking on this button. He will be asked to confirm by entering his password. Once the decision has been confirmed by the guild leader the disbandment will be executed immediately. If there is a guildhall, it will be automatically cleared on the next server save, and any items that are stored in it at this moment will be transported to the guild leader's inbox. Note, however, that unportable items like chairs or tables stay in the guildhall. - Edit Ranks
Only guild leaders can edit guild ranks. They can determine the number of guild ranks (up to 20) and give them names. If a guild leader chooses to give identical names to two or more ranks, these ranks might all appear as if they were only one rank, particular if these ranks are back to back. So some guild might appear as if they have several leaders in the guild. However, this is only a cosmetic effect: any guild must have one leader, and in fact, the first character on the list is always the regular guild leader.
Further, the guild leader can also determine here if guild members should be promoted automatically to a higher rank and on which criteria. If the guild leader clicks the box for the "Autoprogress Trigger", he/she can select whether this rank is reached after a certain amount of days, a certain character level or a certain amount of achievement points. However, to be promoted to a higher rank, characters must also fulfil the set conditions for all lower ranks.
If a member does not fulfil the conditions of a rank anymore which he/she is already holding, the member will not be demoted automatically. Downgrading a member from a rank has to be done manually via "Edit Members". An automatic promotion to rank 1 or 2 is not possible. The system checks once a day if characters have reached the criteria for an automatic promotion. - Edit Members
Several options are available here: Guild leaders can confer individual titles to characters by using the "Set title to" option. Guild leaders as well as vice leaders can exclude characters from their guild by selecting the "Exclude from guild" option. By selecting "Set rank to" it is possible to promote or demote characters. Note that any guild member can promote or demote guild members who are inferior in rank. Thus, if a guild has 10 ranks, a guild member of fourth rank can promote or demote any guild member of fifth rank or below. However, it is not possible to promote guild members to one's own rank, so if the mentioned guild member would like a friend to rise to rank 4, he would have to ask a guild member of rank three or better.
Finally, the guild leader can determine here whether a member should be included in or excluded from the automatic rank progression. - Guild Events
Leaders and vice leaders can create guild events. They can determine a name for the event, describe it and select date and time for it. If the event is ticked as "private" it can only be seen by guild members. All other events are public and viewable by all characters on the guild's game world. - Resign From Leadership
Obviously, only guild leaders can resign from leadership. If they do so, the leadership of the guild will be passed on to a character of their choice. The transferral will come into effect on the next server save. If there is a rented guildhall, it will automatically be transferred to the new guild leader. Note that the player of the new guild leader must not have another vice leader or guild leader on his account. - Invite Player
Both guild leaders and vice leaders can invite characters. Characters that are invited must agree to join by clicking at the button on the guild information page. - Exclude Player
Similar to inviting characters, both guild leaders and vice leaders can exclude players via the "Edit Members" function. Excluded Players who are online during the exclusion will remain members of a guild until they log out. - Leave Guild
All vice leaders or regular members are free to leave a guild whenever they choose to do so. However, if they are logged in while leaving the guild, they will remain guild members until they log out. - Choose New Leader
This button becomes visible to all vice leaders if the guild leader has no leader anymore for some reason, e.g. the guild leader has been or is about to be deleted. In this case, all vice leaders are invited to vote for a new guild leader. All current vice leaders are up for election. The voting ends once all vice leaders have voted or if the guild is about to be deleted soon. The vice leader with the most votes becomes the new leader. If vices have the same number of votes, the one who has been a member of this guild longest wins. Votes for vice leaders who no longer have Premium status or have been scheduled for deletion in the meantime are ignored. If no vice leader has cast a vote, the guild will be deleted at the scheduled date. In case the guild leader's deletion is revoked, the election will be cancelled.
To test their skills and power or to solve an intractable conflict, guilds can declare war on other guilds that are on the same game world. However, there are a few requirements that a guild needs to fulfil to participate in a guild war:
- A guild must have one leader and at least 4 vice leaders, and may not be in the course of formation or dissolution.
- A guild may not have declared war on, or be at war with more than 5 guilds.
- A guild cannot be at war with the same opposing guild more than once at a time.
To start a war, the leader of a guild needs to declare war on the guild that should be fought. To do so, the guild leader needs to click on "Guild War" on the guild page of his own guild. The next page displays a summary of all wars that the guild was ever involved in, as well as any open war declarations or ongoing wars. On top of the page, the guild leader finds the button to "Declare War" which leads him to a form he needs to fill in:
- Opponent: Here, the guild leader can select from a drop-down menu the guild on which he wants to declare war.
- Duration: The guild leader needs to fill in how long the war should last. He can choose any duration between 7 and 180 days.
- Kills to Win: To win the war a certain number of kills are needed. This number can range between 10 and 1,000 kills.
- Fee for your Guild: This is the amount of money, your guild has to pay to the opposing guild in case your guild loses the war. This fee can range between 0 and 2,000,000,000 gold coins. Your guild must have this fee plus the additional war charge of 1,000 gold coins in its bank account once the war starts.
- Fee for Opposing Guild: This is the amount that the opposing guild needs to pay to your guild in case you win the war. This fee can range between 0 and 2,000,000,000 gold coins. The opposing guild must have this fee plus the additional war charge of 1,000 gold coins in its bank account once the war starts.
- Comment: Here the guild leader can leave a message for the other guild.
If the leader is interested in a war but does not like the conditions made by the other guild, he can edit all fields from "Duration" until "Comment". The new conditions will be sent to the opposing guild whose guild leader can now accept, reject or edit the conditions. Once both guilds have agreed on the conditions and accepted them, the war will start after the next server save provided that both guilds have the agreed fee plus the additional war charge of 1,000 gold coins each in their bank accounts. If one guild does not have the sufficient amount of money in its bank account, the war will be delayed.
A guild leader can cancel a declaration of war anytime until the war has started.
b) At War
Characters that are at war can easily be recognised by a little banner beneath the character's name:
Characters with a green banner are members of your own guild.
Characters with a red banner are members of an opposing guild with which you are at war.
Characters with a blue banner participate in a war in which you are not involved.
- you will always receive a protection zone block if you are the attacker. If you perform aggressive actions only against your own guild members, you can still enter a protection zone, however, such a situation is very unlikely.
- it is possible to leave this guild or to kick somebody out. It is not possible, though, to invite new members as soon as your guild has declared war. However, already invited characters can still join the guild even if the war has already started.
- killing the same member of the opposing guild counts only up to 5 times in 24 hours to the kill score of a guild. Any further kills of this member do not count for the score.
- you can find all important information like the current kill score, the start of the war and its maximum duration, on the guild wars page in the guilds section.
- characters that are not involved in the war cannot heal you or strengthen you in a party in case you have suffered damage in the last 60 seconds of a member of the opposing guild.
Once the war has started, the only option to end the war early is to surrender. Every guild leader has the possibility to surrender by clicking on the corresponding button on the guild wars page. If a guild surrenders, the opposing guild wins the war and the set fees.
Otherwise, a war either ends when one guild has scored the agreed kills or if the set duration has expired. A guild wins the war and receives the complete fees if it has scored the agreed kills. If a war is over and no guild has reached the needed kills, the guild with the most kills wins. In this case the winning guild gets it set fee back and receives a percentage of the set fee of the opposing guild which is equal to the proportion of kills. E.g.: Guild A has set 1000 gold and scored 12 kills while guild B has set 600 gold and scored 4 kills. Guild A wins the war as they have scored more kills. They get their 1000 gold coins back. Additionally, guild A wins 400 gold of the set fee of guild B which equals the 2/3 of kills they scored more than guild B. Guild B gets the remaining 200 gold of their fee back.
If both guilds have scored the same number of kills at the end of the war, nobody wins the war and both guilds receive their fee back.
A guild also wins the war and receives all fees if the opposing guild is disbanded while being at war.
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