Fun times on Vigintia, good old times on Nostalgia!
Look for Kendra south-west of Thais near the Open-Air Theatre, she will gladly sail you to Vigintia, the perfect island for a birthday bash. It is certainly worth a journey since you can also access the island of Nostalgia from there. We have marked points of interest for you on a map so follow us as we head out on a little exploration tour:
Once you have arrived safe and sound on the shore (1) of Vigintia, head straight up to Vigintius (2) to find out what the island has to offer and to listen to some of his very own recollections of the past. If you are ready for some action, ask Vigintius about a game of can toss. Take a few steps to the North and try your luck at the can knockdown (3) stall. Aim precisely, click at the right moment and see how many cans you can hit with one shot. Talk to Vigintius afterwards to get a reward. Will you go for the main prize, a special anniversary cup, or do you rather fancy a retro costume bag? As you are about to turn back time at your next destination, a classic outfit would only be fitting. On the eastern shore of Vigintia, a long bridge (4) leads over the water.
Take a trip down memory lane as you visit Nostalgia. This island is a tribute to the past, a throwback to the earlier days of Tibia. Enjoy the memories that arise while exploring the isle, all the while tugging at your heart in a most nostalgic way. If you want to take your Nostalgia experience up another notch, we suggest to stop by at a very special PvE arena to indulge in a replica of classic dwarven bridge luring (5). Fight against hordes of one of the most feared and beloved creatures of the past. Some of them just love to be lured, so pay close attention! In the end, will you have what it takes to slay Queen Nostalgia? After a good battle, relax and breathe the rich air of history and culture as you wander through the Nostalgia Exhibition (6) close by. 
Continue your tour as you visit the old ship that sits peacefully in the southern bay and then venture out into the wilderness towards the Tibia Spirit Peninsula (7). Pass the water mill on your way and say hello to pigs, wasps, spiders, wolves and bugs that look remarkably old. Feeling courageous? Deep down in the bowels of the earth, a hideous creature with many eyes is lurking. If terror strikes your heart, make a run for it and retreat to the graveyard (8) in the northern part of Nostalgia. This place is not as scary as it may sound. Some of the tombstones may even provide valuable insight...
Once your hunger for nostalgic moments is satisfied, return to Vigintia. Enjoy a refreshing swim at the northern beach (9) before heading westwards to visit Lora (10), who has a small surprise for you depending on the age of your character. Last but not least, approach Vigintia's southern beach, a paradise for treasure hunters.
Ask Vigintius for access and buy a shovel from him if you do not have one at hand. As soon as you enter the treasure hunting (11) zone, you have 90 seconds to dig for buried treasure. Who knows what treasures were buried here by the sands of time, forgotten and left to decay? Whatever you unearth may not be as shiny as it once was but it will still make a nice souvenir to adorn your home.