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Jun 16 2017 -

Daily Rewards

itting at home, not knowing what to do? Boost your spirit by grabbing your daily reward in Tibia!

The system basically works like this: The temples in all major cities in Tibia will receive a new attraction, new Daily Reward Shrines. Upon "use", these shrines will open a Daily Reward Wall via which you can pick up your reward for the day. And now, the clock starts ticking. A small button in the Tibia 11 client will let you know when it is time to pick up your next reward.
On the reward wall, you will also be able to see your future rewards and which rewards you have received already, among other things.

Most, if not all rewards, will not be tradeable, and some will most likely expire as well. For example, you could receive a temple teleport scroll that you can use for 7 days. If you do not use it, the item will disappear. Further possible rewards are, for instance, a temporary gold converter, potions, runes, XP boosts, and prey bonus rerolls.

Picking up your reward on a daily basis will definitely pay off. There will be special bonuses in addition to your rewards, considering how many you have picked up on consecutive days. The more days you have in a row, the bigger the bonus will be.

These bonuses allow you for instance to regenerate hitpoints, mana, stamina or soulpoints in designated resting areas in which you would usually not regenerate any of these things. A small icon will let you know when you are in such an area. What exactly is effected by this additional regeneration depends on your bonus level. Also the regeneration speed could be affected by a bonus, for example. With the help of a tooltip you will always be able to see which bonuses your character is currently affected by. The reward wall will inform you about which bonuses are waiting for you the following days.
If you have reached the highest possible bonus level, you will keep the bonus until you miss a day. If you miss a day, you will start over again.

Daily Reward Shrine
Reward Wall

If you cannot travel to a city to pick up your daily reward using a reward shrine, you can use an Instant Reward Access, which you can buy in the Store. One purchase will allow you to access your daily rewards 30 times, without travelling. Further, you can get your own personal daily reward shrine for your house. There will be two versions available in the Store, a basic one, and a shiny one.

Please note that this information might still be subject to change. You will be able to test this on the upcoming test server!

Enjoy your daily rewards, Tibians!
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