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May 11 2018 -

Sandy Puzzles and MoTA Expansion

ibian Shortnews - Archaeology Edition - Spring 2018

Tibian Shortnews       Digging deep


Those frequently upcoming desert storms in Darama might be caused by guzzlemaws having a cold. Due to nasal congestions, they sneeze out an enormous amount of air through their jaws and send them westwards across the sea towards the desert.

ANCIENT Discovery of the Month

My team and I have been stationed in Darashia for almost three years now. Yet, I am still surprised by all the unique treasures and buildings the desert's sand has buried over the centuries.

Just a few days ago, a sandstorm uncovered a very interesting statue not far from here. It seems to mark the entrance to an ancient site. I have already sent down some of my men to further investigate the area but they returned empty handed.

They said powerful and complicated mechanisms are protecting the place from unwanted intruders and they were not able to solve them. I will have to request additional resources from the headquarter. This place requires a lot more brainpower than we have right now.

Sandy Dryasdust, 54, Darashia.


I consider my Museum of Tibian Arts to be one of the most important buildings known to Tibian kind. Thanks to the numerous donations of our loyal patrons, we are now able to to start the long overdue extension of the MoTA. The museum will become even larger and offer more diversity and art.

As a matter of fact, we have already torn down the first walls but are currently facing some difficulties that might prolong the whole expansion. Behind those walls, we discovered a strange portal that seems to work as a passage for sinister creatures into my beloved museum.

Our efforts to close that portal have failed miserably. It just reappears! Aside from that, we are considered civilised experts in archaeology, the very idea of fighting monsters is abhorrent to us. Especially since those monstrosities surpass our known museum monsters in terms of strength and brutality by far.

Therefore, we are looking for a very smart, yet physically strong Tibian, who is able to traverse the portal and take care of whatever is hiding behind it.

Gareth, 32, Thais.

Ads for Archaeologists

ASURA Palace is a great place to stay if you conduct research in the area of Tiquanda. Beautiful young dancers are going to take your mind off your worries. Enjoy their show.

Darama, many ancient tombs and sites are still buried under the sand. Always make sure to have enough water, your shovel and pickaxe as well as some scarab coins with you when you visit the desert.

Fiehonja, a beautiful yet mostly uncharted underwater dungeon. Many secrets are waiting for you. Trust me, visiting this place can literally take your breath away.

Edron, come and explore the mountain castle. Rumours have it that the castle hides undiscovered secrets beyond all the chalk and dust. It is a great place for ambitious archaeologists.

Gareth is looking for a part-time MoTA archaeologist. Our team is looking for a reliable Tibian who can take on some crazed display models from time to time.