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Apr 18 2023 -

Bug Reporting

ear Tibians!

To make the bug reporting easier and more effective, we have decided to give all players the opportunity to report bugs ingame in the future. As of May 03, players will be able to submit a bug report via a special client dialog ingame. In this context, we have also evaluated the role of tutors and decided to remove this position since the opening of bug reports for everyone no longer requires a group with special rights in this regard.

We would like to thank our tutors for their many years of hard work, diligence and dedication. We appreciate their contribution to Tibia and are grateful for the effort and time they invested into helping others.

Many players in Tibia have been sharing a helping hand for years and gladly assist others in need, whether or not they have held the tutor position - and we are therefore sure that this will continue to be the case.

And this is the plan:

  • Ingame bug reports for the players will be available as of May 03, 2023, Server Save.
  • The process will be the same as it was for tutors, and like some players already know from the test server:  
    • You can open the bug report dialog by using the key combination Ctrl+Z. Select the category your report fits best. If you are unsure, select "Other". Describe the issue you encountered as thoroughly as possible by providing steps that are necessary to reproduce it. Your character name as well as the coordinates of the map field on which your character stood when submitting the bug report will be sent automatically. The submission of your bug report will be confirmed with the message "Comment sent" in your game window and server log.
    • To report map bugs, you can right-click on the concerned map field and select the entry "Report Coordinate" from the context menu. The coordinate you clicked on will be sent automatically with your report.
    • Mistakes in NPC chats can be reported by right-clicking on the NPC text in question and selecting the context menu entry "Report Message". The NPC's name and line will then be sent automatically with your report.

  • The possibility of reporting more complex issues via ticket to customer support still remains.
  • Restrictions for reporting are as follows:
    • Your account needs at least 30 loyalty points.
    • Each account can submit a maximum of five bugs per day.
    • The right to report bugs can be withdrawn by customer support.
    • If a player is unable to report for any reason, a note will appear in the report dialog informing the player of the required prerequisites. 
  • With the release on May 03, the tutor position and the senator position as well as all associated elements (stars, boards, titles, etc.) will be removed. 

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