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Reporting Illegal Posts

Illegal posts can be reported directly to customer support. Note, however, that you need to be logged into your account on the website to be able to use this function. If you see an illegal post and like to report it, click on "Report Post".

  1. From the drop-down menu, please select the Tibia Rule which is violated by the post. If the post does not fit into any of the given categories, do not report it. If in doubt whether a post is illegal, do not report it.
  2. In the Comment field, you must explain why you are reporting this post.
  3. If the post is non-English, please offer a translation in the last field.
  4. Finally, click on "Submit" to send your report to customer support.

Note: You may only have 20 pending reports at a time (excluding bot/macro reports). A report is set on pending until customer support has processed it.
Further, you will not be able to make any reports if you have made too many invalid reports in the last 30 days. In the Rule Violation Reports section on your account page, you can check how many reports you have left.